Uwekind International School is a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme and pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Uwekind International School believes is important for our students.

*Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit

Learn about the world with Uwekind!

At primary school we develop the children’s natural curiosity and their individual potential in a supportive and safe learning environment.
Our programs widen and enrich the national educational standards by combining learning in various subjects through interdisciplinary topics.

Our main approach is using inquiry-based learning, which allows the students to actively participate in their own education and to take responsibility for it as they grow academically, socially and emotionally.


Inquiry-based learning

Inquiry-based learning is a process initiated by the teacher or the student, which helps the children to deepen their understanding and knowledge of a certain subject. Every student learns actively and consciously, in accordance with their own needs and tempo.

Literacy in two languages

With years of experience in primary school we have conceived a system of successful bilingual schooling. The children obtain equally good results in both their native language and a foreign one. That makes them feel confident, successful and satisfied with their efforts.

International Primary Curriculum

This is an international program that Uwekind applies at the primary level. It is a comprehensive, thematic and creative program, with a clear learning process and specific learning objectives for each subject. The program develops an understanding of different cultures and encourages the process of individual learning.

Learn about the world with Uwekind!

Transdisciplinary themes in primary school

Transdisciplinary themes help teachers introduce and plan the curriculum by looking at the individual disciplines through a meaningful context. This way a balance is obtained between “learning the subjects” and “learning through the subjects”. Research in the context of different themes is extensive, in-depth and usually lasts several weeks, provoking students to be active in their own learning process.
Who We Are

In the context of this theme, students explore the different aspects of human relationships, beliefs and values, rights and responsibilities. They look for answers to questions like “What defines us as individuals?”, “What is important to our health?” and “What are the rules and norms of communication between people in different communities?”

Where Are We In Place and Time
This theme points the students towards acquiring knowledge in their orientation in place and time. They learn about the processes of human migrations, connections between different communities and cultures, looked at through a local and a global perspective. They research personal histories, explorations, discoveries and events.
How We Express Ourselves
Through this global theme the students explore the ways we discover and express our ideas, feelings, cultural belonging, beliefs and values. They search for ways to develop their creativity and express their attitude towards beauty.
How the World Works
With inquiry into nature and its laws, as well as the interaction between nature and human societies, children look for answers to questions like “How does technological development impact our environment?” or “How do people use scientific knowledge?”
How We Organize Ourselves
Children inquire into interconnections of human communities and into the structure and function of various organizations. Students study the ways decisions are made in a community, different economic activities and their impact on people and the environment.
Sharing the Planet
This theme is elaborated in primary school through the inquiry into our rights and responsibilties as citizens of the world. Students explore the opportunities for fair distribution of finite resources of our planet. They study the themes for providing equal opportunities, peach and conflict resolution.

Reading and languages

As we nurture love towards languages and reading, we teach our children to express their thoughts freely and to master the rules of a language and its grammar in a natural way. We provide them with various opportunities for oral and written expression.

Arts and sport

Children in Uwekind grow up as wholesome and balanced individuals by participating in various arts and sports activities. We encourage them to demonstrate their skills and we aim to unravel their talents and strong characteristics by providing them opportunities to take part in various sports competitions and arts exhibitions and contests.

Outside the classroom

Children learn in the most successful way by enriching their own experience, through adventures outside the classroom. In such a way we naturally compliment the educational process with the development of problem-solving, teamwork and effective communication skills.
Every child comes to us with their individuality and strong qualities. We will gladly meet with you and your child and tell you more about our curriculum, mission and philosophy.

Our parents

For me, Uwekind isn’t just a school, but a living organism, built upon the spirit and love between the children and the teachers. It has its own vision, laughter, freedom and shape. It looks like the people who smile and exhibit tranquility, who you naturally relate to, because they are different and possess meaning, all the while being confident and sure of what they are doing, continuously looking for novel ways in their work.

Thank you, oh “human” Uwe(kind), for staying childlike and making sure to continue to stay so!

Desi Dankova

New Bulgarian University professor, parent

I chose Uwekind as the school for my child (Sammy, 9 yo), because I believe that one of the mysteries of success is in the very process of instruction and experience. For the fourth year now I observe and am delighted with the way my child is growing up – confident, independent and curious of the future.
Aleksandra Loseva

BNP Paribas, parent

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